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“NPLfreeforyall”: Showing The Library’s Value

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“NPLfreeforyall”: Showing The Library’s Value

Nashville Public Library, Tenn.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis


We offer everyone in Davidson County meaningful resources. From readers’ advisory and Metro social services, to computer and Wi-Fi access and our award-winning education initiatives – everyone can benefit from something at NPL. Depth and breadth is our strength. It also presents a challenge to promote all NPL offers without overwhelming people. Our ROI results gave form, a focal point, to this depth and breadth. What’s more, they allowed us to appeal to residents in a very personal way, at the household level, and also educate elected and community leaders about the day-to-day value we offer their constituents.

Key Elements of Innovation

Families save nearly $3,000 a year when they take full advantage of NPL. $3,000 is a lot of latte and gas money! We had a great story to tell. Our creative assets inspired patrons and staff to share their own #nplfreeforyall savings testimonials. Then, we told the rest of the story: For every dollar Nashvillians invest in NPL, they experience $3.06 in benefits. We showcased these benefits – our Pre-K literacy outreach, STEM mentorships, and more. They provide a total value to our community of $94 million-plus. We raised NPL’s profile, renewing our everyday call: Get your NPL card now!

Achieved Outcomes

Our goal was to create a “surround-sound” community campaign. We wanted patrons, staff, elected officials, and community influencers to realize NPL’s full value and vocalize their own affirmations of just how priceless our library is to them. Our campaign earned 78,072 social media impressions, plus 667 “likes,” comments and “shares.” Meanwhile, the local GCA News publishing company featured the ROI story on the cover of eight neighborhood newspapers, while the local major daily ran a guest editorial by Library Director Kent Oliver. Our campaign also earned endorsements from several local bloggers.