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NYPL Out-of-School Time Program: Innovation Labs

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NYPL Out-of-School Time Program: Innovation Labs

New York Public Library, N.Y.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

Innovation Labs is an after-school program designed to spark the imagination of middle schoolers and introduce them to technologies they can use to address community problems such as bullying and substance abuse. Using library collections and databases, tweens research issues that matter to them and create blogs, robots, and more.


While the library is widely accepted as a trusted community resource, branches often find it challenging to convince adolescents to make use of valuable collections and services. Meanwhile, middle schoolers need safe spaces where they can socialize and communicate, as well as create and learn on their own terms.

Key Elements of Innovation

NYPL invested in a team of seasoned educators who create programs that are relevant and inspiring to youth, and that draw upon the library’s strengths as a trusted haven and literacy partner for schools and families. Innovation Labs emphasizes the development of 21st century problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as information and digital literacy skills. The adolescent-centered design of the program allows middle schoolers to enjoy learning new technologies in intensive “boot camps.” They can explore technologies in a fun maker space and use their unique voices to create digital media, robotics and other physical technology to address issues that matter to them.

Achieved Outcomes

Innovation Labs was piloted in October 2014 at three branches in low-income New York City neighborhoods. Thus far, over 100 youth are served by the program. So far the Library has learned that academic content is easily presented when kids are given a choice of topic and a variety of tools to communicate what they have learned, as well as time to explore their interests. NYPL is working with an NYU evaluator to assess the impact of Innovation Labs. Anecdotally, feedback from middle schoolers has been positive. One participant raved, “Getting to create my own website…This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life!