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Operation Bedroll - Train the Trainer

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Operation Bedroll - Train the Trainer

Greensboro Public Library, N.C.

Health & Wellness

Innovation Synopsis

Program occurred at many Greensboro Public Library locations and participants learned how to make plarn (yarn made from plastic bags), turn it into portable sleeping mats for the homeless, and also learned tips and strategies for teaching others.


This program encourages library users to become more active in the ongoing "Operation Bedroll" program by getting their community groups involved. "Operation Bedroll" is the joint effort between the Recycling Educator with the City of Greensboro’s Waste Management Department and the Greensboro Police Department with the objective of raising community awareness and reducing waste while developing community relationships with the homeless population. Many GPL branches served as hosts for the "Train the Trainer" program.

Key Elements of Innovation

"Operation Bedroll" is the joint effort between the Recycling Educator with the City of Greensboro’s Waste Management Department and the Greensboro Police Department with the objective of raising community awareness and reducing waste while developing community relationships with the homeless population. The Greensboro Public Library combined with these departments and Field Operations to ensure that others in the community to attend programs at the library to learn how to make the plarn sleeping mats.

Achieved Outcomes

Last year, Greensboro made 211 bed rolls for our neediest residents to have something warm to sleep on when out in the elements. That’s 147,700 plastic bags kept out of the landfill and off our city streets! The Greensboro Public Library is proud to be a resource in continuing this tremendously successful program.