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OPL/BPO Á La Carte - A Food Literacy Project

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OPL/BPO Á La Carte - A Food Literacy Project

Ottawa Public Library, Ontario

Health & Wellness

Innovation Synopsis

"OPL/BPO Á La Carte" is a bilingual (English and French) project designed to introduce food literacy as a focus area for the library, and position the public library as a recognized resource within the community for food-related information and programming that is typically non-traditional for libraries.


The public library is generally absent, in literature, from the list of key players identified as partners in the collective attempt to build healthier communities. Given our role as a community hub, an information repository and an advocate for early literacy, the library is well-suited to impact the food literacy initiative and to support this effort through outreach, programming, collections and relationship building.

Key Elements of Innovation

Linking food literacy to libraries opens up the possibilities to reach underserved communities and high-risk populations already identified in our early literacy work, services to at-risk teens and collaboration with the City of Ottawa on their Older Adult Plan. The project includes four complementary components: outreach with our mini bookmobile and Bibliobike in collaboration with the MarketMobile; non-traditional programming; the creation of a digital storytelling app; and a “grow your own food” component.

Achieved Outcomes

The "Á La Carte" project has allowed for new and strengthened partnerships with 25 local, not-for-profit community organizations. In its first year, the project reached over 500 people, through outreach events, gardening-related programs and a successful author festival that was attended by 300 participants. We have connected with current and potential library customers in non-traditional ways and places, such as digital storytelling, hands-on gardening programs for children in schools and panel discussions events in museums.