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Pelicano - A Modern Bi-lingual Pen Pal Program

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Pelicano - A Modern Bi-lingual Pen Pal Program

Poudre River Public Library District, Colo.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

Pelicano is a bi-lingual literacy program facilitated by Poudre River Public Library District between its sister Library in Nicaragua, San Juan del Sur Biblioteca, and the local Harris Elementary School. Using Skype, and the exchange of drawings and writing, youth increase their awareness of diversity, globalization, and bi-lingual language skills.


Sister libraries allow for sharing of information, resources, training and expertise among staff and patrons of each library. Such partnerships promote the concept of a global community of libraries and help to raise the awareness of issues and needs facing children internationally. Building on Harris Elementary’s previous partnerships with other Central American schools, Harris school administrators were very interested in working with our sister library. There were several challenges at the beginning, including the difference in time zones, opening hours of both schools when scheduling Skype sessions and the lack of reliable internet and mail service to Nicaragua. The bi-lingual language levels of students at both schools varied as children at Harris are learning Spanish and children in Nicaragua are learning English.

Key Elements of Innovation

El Programa Pelicano allows children to practice writing skills on paper and in electronic format to improve literacy skills, increase awareness of other cultures and lifestyles around the world, and provide a safe space to create friendships. El Programa Pelicano also uses a modern variation of the common pen pal program, utilizing electronic media like Skype and Keypal to communicate. The key element of innovation is an international partnership to promote literacy, learning and diversity awareness. Both groups are exposed to technologies that permit global communication and opportunities to practice Spanish or English in a real life situation.

Achieved Outcomes

The program is currently in its second semester and has achievd the following intended outcomes: increased awareness of other cultures and lifestyles by being able to describe cultural similarities and/or differences between the pen pal communities; increased use of digital literacy skills to communicate with pen pal friends; increased awareness of different literacy practices in other parts of the world; and improved literacy skills through weekly writing skills practice on paper and in electronic format. The partnership will continue through the school year, after which the program will be evaluated for benchmark purposes for continued sessions in the new school year.