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Perfect Storm: Transforming Service in a Pandemic

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Perfect Storm: Transforming Service in a Pandemic

Arlington Public Library

Library Operations & Management | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

In Spring 2021, our library entered into an unprecedented period of change. Spurred by retirements, staff departures, location closures and a heightened desire to return to normalcy we seized the opportunity to examine our internal structures and make changes.


Retirements, departures, location closure and heightened desire to return to service created the perfect storm of opportunity to study and change the paradigm of how we viewed our place in the public service landscape of Arlington County. The pandemic gave us ways we can serve even better.

Key Elements of Innovation

Restructuring of the Public and Collections departments.

Achieved Outcomes

  • Creation of assistant division chief and supervising librarian positions.
  • Office aides (shelvers) have become become library pages.
  • Security has joined public Services. C
  • hat and phone services will be centrally managed.