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Practical Magic

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Practical Magic

East Baton Rouge Parish Library, La.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

The Library hosted Practical Magic, a day of maker programming with hands-on demos and training for elementary school librarians. Library staff taught easily replicable programs, keeping in mind space and budgetary issues. Programs included Arduino circuits, robotics, coding and Lego construction. The Library’s supporting online resources and books were shared.


We seized an opportunity to leverage the Library’s visible role as a community “Maker” in a new partnership with the school system. The goal was to increase STEAM education at the elementary school age level and to have school librarians embrace these fundamentals. We identified the elementary age groups as a key demographic to introduce these creative and educational concepts. Through practical engagement, school librarians acquired new concepts and ready-to-use ideas to apply in their learning centers. Hands-on instruction allowed us to overcome the hesitancy that some school librarians felt about STEAM programming and their ability to implement it themselves.

Key Elements of Innovation

The key element for the Library was the opportunity to create a curriculum and share our expertise and resources, and raise awareness about the maker programming we do. We want to make the Library a fundamental part of STEAM programming and a facilitator for school librarians and teachers. Practical Magic allowed us to partner with the East Baton Rouge Parish School System and the Foundation for the East Baton Rouge Parish School System and to have a continuing dialog. Following Practical Magic, school librarians then became eligible to apply for a maker grant from the foundation to further their programming.

Achieved Outcomes

An achieved outcome is the implementation of a strategic grant process resulting in creation of mini-maker centers and an increase in STEAM programming at public schools libraries and learning centers. An anticipated outcome is making Practical Magic an annual event and producing similar events for librarians and teachers of different grade levels. We have also established a communication and resource network for local school librarians, with the Library assuming the role of facilitator and resource. Another outcome is increased attendance at our library programming for those ages, as school librarians and teachers talk to students and parents about the Library.