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Preparing Librarians to Respond to an Overdose

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Preparing Librarians to Respond to an Overdose

Salt Lake County Library Services, Utah

Health & Wellness

Innovation Synopsis

Like in many states, prescription drug and herion abuse is increasing. With the increase in abuse, comes an increase in the number of unintentional overdose deaths. Overdoses can take place anytime, anywhere, and as a public library, we felt it was our responsibility to be prepared to respond.


Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among Americans under 50, according to federal health officials. Utah has consistently ranked in the top 10 for opioid-related drug overdoses. Training our librarians to prepare to respond to an overdose is the right thing to do to ensure the health and safety of all who visit the county library.

Key Elements of Innovation

The county library partnered with the Salt Lake County Health Department and trained librarians on how to use, and has provided doses of, the anti-overdose drug NARCAN. The training video has been shared with all county library employees and will be offered with future CPR classes. Branches of the county library are located in most valley communities, making them strategically situated to offer emergency response.

Achieved Outcomes

Librarians and other library employees will be able to recognize an overdose, respond and, ultimately, save a life.