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Presenter/Performer Database

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Presenter/Performer Database

Palm Beach County Library System, Fla.

Library Operations & Management | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

In FY18, the Palm Beach County Library System offered over 10,700 activities to the public, many of which were led by contracted presenters and performers. An interactive database was created to effectively track, approve and update presenter applications, and afforded staff systemwide the ability to evaluate each.


Until 2019, presenter applications were manually submitted, which lead to pricing differentials by branch, an inefficient method of tracking paperwork and a disorganized system of sharing activity evaluations among 17 branch locations. The creation of a new database offered the opportunity to track and evaluate performances in real time and reduced paperwork significantly by allowing presenters to input their data directly into the database and allowed all staff to submit evaluations in a moderated forum.

Key Elements of Innovation

The presenter database is populated by applications submitted by presenters and evaluations submitted by library staff. Presenter applications are initially entered as “pending,” and through a centralized evaluation process are moved to “reviewed” or “declined.” If a presenter receives a negative review by branch staff, the record is flagged to alert others who are considering the presenter. The database is fully searchable by branch, audience type, fee, presentation type and keyword.

Achieved Outcomes

To date, 365 applications have been received, 233 of which have been reviewed, ready for staff to contact. This centralized repository for applications has reduced redundancy in the process of on-boarding new presenters, increased multi-branch collaboration in the evaluation process and aided in staff’s ability to ensure equitable pricing from branch to branch over time. Since the application is online, presenters can apply from anywhere in the world and receive a response in a more timely fashion.