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PresenterFest - Amateurs & Community Treasures @ PCPL

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PresenterFest - Amateurs & Community Treasures @ PCPL

Pima County Public Library, Ariz.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

PresenterFest at Pima County Public Library is the stage for a network of talent and community partnerships. The Library connects people, skills, information and talents through PresenterFest. The “Fest” strengthens bonds with the community in a fun way, and maintains fresh, innovative and original programming at the Library.


Programming is key to how Pima County Public Library connects people – job-seekers, retirees, parents, schoolchildren, new Americans – with ideas. Like many libraries, Pima County relies on the skills and talents of partners, agencies and individuals to provide valuable and relevant programs in changing times. What started as a logistical process to contract with presenters and connect them to a library system representing diverse locations, audiences and priorities, has become PresenterFest. The library’s Programs and Partners Office wanted to create an event that connected the eyes and ears of the community with the knowledge and talents of partners and individuals. The goal for the Fest: to advance programs, events and workshops that respond to community concerns and needs, meet changes and recognize community aspirations.

Key Elements of Innovation

One feature of PresenterFest is staff engagement as talent scouts. For example, the Library’s Business team approached key community sectors, like Tucson’s Downtown Innovation District, to redesign the proposal process, gauge interest and encourage referrals. Another significant feature is that PresenterFest provides opportunity for anyone to float a program, whether they are a talented amateur or a hidden community treasure. The proposed program’s value is scored through hands-on demonstration. A program’s scheduling power is decided by representatives of the library’s audience during Fest events and its staying power is tested in the library’s venue(s).

Achieved Outcomes

PresenterFest’s expanded focus is community engagement at all levels. It gets staff and customers in on the act -- whether they are scouting out new talent or deciding who will be presenting. It also builds innovation by inviting in new talent, resources and skills, and creative abilities. Partners like the Drawing Studio offer popular volunteer-supported, skill building programs that complement the library’s Community Impact Plan with their Outreach Arts Tutoring for Seniors series. Partners such as XeroCraft Hacker-space have services and technology such as 3-d printers, and the willingness to subcontract with artists and other do-it-yourself types in the community. The connections engendered through the Fest broaden the library’s programming capacities; and will have a lasting impact on the library and the community.