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Promoting Period Equity

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Promoting Period Equity

Spokane Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Spokane Public Library is now stocking free tampons and pads in the restrooms at each Library location. The Library partnered with Aunt Flow, a woman-owned company, to provide 100% organic cotton tampons and pads to any individual that needs them. By supplying free period products we are combatting period poverty in our community.


Period poverty, a term used to describe inequities related to menstruation, is a global issue. In the U.S., menstrual products are not covered by food stamps, WIC/SNAP and many struggle to afford them. Lack of access to menstrual products can lead to school or work absences and cause stress and anxiety. At the public library, we have an opportunity to combat period poverty by supplying free period products in all restrooms. Ending period poverty and stigma is a crucial step in achieving gender equality and equity.

Key Elements of Innovation

All library restrooms will have free menstrual hygiene products in an Aunt Flow dispenser or in a hanging receptacle in the handicap accessible stall in the men’s restrooms (for transgender and non-binary individuals). Period products will also be provided in the staff restrooms.

Achieved Outcomes

We will alleviate stress for individuals experiencing period poverty and support those who lack access to menstrual hygiene products. No one should have to miss economic or educational opportunity because they cannot afford period products. This initiative supports our mission to increase equity and inclusivity in the region and eliminates a barrier that many individuals experience daily. We prioritized and normalized this practice by including it in our budget, just like we would toilet paper or soap.