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Providing In-Person Tech Access and Support Safely

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Providing In-Person Tech Access and Support Safely

Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library

Health & Wellness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

In spring 2020, CHPL staff found ways to continue essential in-person, pre-pandemic services, like helping community members with housing, job applications and unemployment, while ensuring safety and a positive customer experience. With Zoho Assist, a screen-sharing software, CHPL staff helped customers in-person nearly 6,000 times since June 2020.


In Cincinnati, 15% of homes have no internet, not even a smartphone. Thousands depend on the library for Internet access. In spring/summer 2020, with social service agencies closed or on limited hours and social services workers unavailable to meet in person, CHPL was one of the few places open for in-person service and providing tech access & support. The challenge was how to do this safely when so much was still unknown, so CHPL Main Library’s TechCenter staff piloted a new software and rapidly deployed it across 41 locations.

Key Elements of Innovation

Zoho was crucial for CHPL staff to help people file for unemployment in the pandemic’s bleakest months. Staff created best practices and a cheat sheet for other staff to quickly learn about Zoho. CHPL staff helped hundreds of customers connect with Ohio Job & Family Services & keep them financially stable in a very trying time. Staff can remotely access a PC & safely assist a customer with navigating to the right web page, attaching a file, educating customers through chat, using on-screen prompts and real-time annotations.

Achieved Outcomes

We used tools like Zoho to offer safe, in-person service during a global pandemic when many crucial social services organizations were closed and curbside service alone didn’t meet our community’s needs. We also used laser pointers & plastic bags to slip devices into for troubleshooting. We still use Zoho, especially for customers’ in-depth or time-consuming tech challenges and plan to integrate Zoho into in-person digital literacy classes, to make learning everything from computer basics to Photoshop more accessible to all.