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PRPLD & San Juan del Sur Biblioteca

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PRPLD & San Juan del Sur Biblioteca

Poudre River Public Library District, Colo.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

The San Juan del Sur Biblioteca was the first public lending library in Nicaragua. PRPLD shared technical assistance to automate its library catalog and mobile services, providing a shared learning experience for all involved and a project that can serve as a model of success for other Nicaraguan libraries.


Sister libraries allow for the sharing of information, resources, training and expertise among the staff and patrons of each library. Such partnerships promote the concept of a global community of libraries and help to raise the awareness of issues and needs facing libraries internationally. Our Library District’s engagement began with a request from a local sponsoring non-profit to provide technical assistance to automate the new library catalog using the open source KOHA system. The implemented system allowed staff at SJDS to adopt technology to its operations, improving efficiencies and customer service while providing our IT staff the opportunity to learn a new ILS and to lead and train SJDS staff through a successful migration.

Key Elements of Innovation

The project’s overarching goal was to introduce SJDS staff to current software and practices in the library industry. Learning opportunities were offered to increase staff skill sets in circulation and cataloging functions. SJDS became one of the first public libraries in Nicaragua with a fully automated Integrated Library System. Techniques like loan rules, location codes, Days Closed, loading patron data and Off-Line Client were just some of the things staff learned and practiced. Providing Internet access to the entire SJDS collection via the web catalog was also a critical component of the project.

Achieved Outcomes

Our agreement is already producing exciting results. PRPLD staff members Carol Gyger and Victor Zuniga helped the SJDS Biblioteca select, customize, and implement the Open source Integrated Library System (ILS), Koha, to establish an automated circulation system and catalog. Victor Zuniga and Carol Gyger traveled to Nicaragua to train the Nicaraguan staff to use and support the software. As libraries, we have the ability to make the world a better place. In the end, little children were so excited to receive their first ever library card. They’d run back home leaving the items back at the library. We feel grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with brothers and sisters in Nicaragua pursuing the same goal: Access to information, literacy, and technology.