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Rain Garden

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Rain Garden

Denver Public Library, Colo.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

A rain garden was designed by Environment Design students from CU-Boulder In partnership with Community Engagement, Design and Research Resource Center (CEDRR) CU-Boulder for Pauline Robinson Branch Library. May 2018. This included several community presentations and a community work day.


Ways to provide education of the value of a rain garden, scheduling the various community presentations, getting the community interested. Coordinating and full disclosure of the process with DPL facilities, management staff and branch staff.

Turning a public area into an educational/ participatory element in the landscape.

Teaching the value of clean water and how our sewer systems work. Teaching about plants and their environmental needs. Making sustainability of this garden a community endeavor.

Key Elements of Innovation

Invitation, initial coordination and ongoing coordination with CU Boulder to develop a rain garden. Created a rain garden powerpoint presentation for public interest and education.
Advertising and inviting public input at all the presentation meetings. Coordinating with CU students and community to implement a work day for the garden. Coordinating with CU students for the summer and fall maintenance. Coordinating with DPL facilities and staff at Pauline Robinson Branch Library for long term sustainability.

Achieved Outcomes

To create a viable rain garden. Ongoing successful maintenance and sustainability with DPL facilities, staff and the community. To create a forum to use the garden as programing with our current ASIC program, such as having the kids create the plant labels.

That the community will realize its public and private value and provide opportunity to have ongoing events with the rain garden and other community engagement.