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Raspberry Pi Lending Program

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Raspberry Pi Lending Program

Contra Costa County Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

The library’s Raspberry Pi lending program has connected hundreds of people to important resources and technology. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny computer that is capable of web browsing, word processing and running a variety of coding programs. The lending program allows patrons to take a computer home to perform basic computing and advanced coding.


The library recognized the gaps in equitable access to services and technology, a digital divide further highlighted during the pandemic. Those most vulnerable in the community were most impacted when access to the library’s public computers was unavailable. Many residents rely on the library’s computers for homework, job searches, and basic computing. This new service allowed the library to attempt to bridge the gap by providing a device equipped with basic computing as well as advanced coding tools.

Key Elements of Innovation

Library staff developed two sets of Raspberry Pi kits with different equipment to cater to a variety of computer and coding experience and expertise. The mini kit contains the Raspberry Pi, SD card, HDMI cable and a coding kit. The larger kit also contains a keyboard, mouse and monitor. Offering the two types of kits allows patrons to choose the solution that best suits their at-home computing needs. The computers are reformatted after each use to protect patron privacy and library security.

Achieved Outcomes

The Library’s 15 Raspberry Pi kits have been circulated 73 times since they launched less than a year ago. The kits have all been consistently checked out with over 250 patrons on the hold list. The library’s website contains a landing page for the kits with videos explaining how to use the Pi for basic computing and advanced coding. We anticipate adding more circulating kits to the collection as well as a set of kits to use for virtual and in person programming.