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Reach Out, Reach Up

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Reach Out, Reach Up

Broward County Library, Fla.

Education - Children & Adults | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

Reach Out, Reach Up is a partnership between Broward County Library and the Broward Reentry Center of the Broward Sheriff’s Office. It provides library resources/services to formerly incarcerated individuals with the goal of supporting successful reentry into the community through job readiness, technology skills, literacy, information and other educational programs.


Individuals formerly incarcerated may not be familiar with the variety of library services that could assist them as they reintegrate into the Broward County community. The Reach Out, Reach Up program strives to increase the awareness of and participation in library services, programs, classes and spaces. This meets the needs for job readiness, technology skills, literacy, information and education as these individuals prepare for and reenter the Broward County community.

Key Elements of Innovation

Participants are referred by the Broward Reentry Center and they meet with library intake staff at one of eight libraries located in various parts of the County. Once registered, participants receive a personal follow-up from their library liaison who will develop a personalized success plan with the participant and facilitate access to BCL-provided resources and classes on job readiness, technology training and literacy.

Achieved Outcomes

Reach Out, Reach Up launched in May 2018. It is anticipated that participants will utilize the program's resources and services to secure employment in the community. Participants will be tracked by the library's program coordinator on the following: one-on-one meetings between participant and library staff; number of library technology and job-resources classes completed; number of job applications participants complete; number of literacy, high school equivalency or other online classes attended; and successful obtainment of employment.