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Redmond Library Community Discovery Day

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Redmond Library Community Discovery Day

King County Library System, Wash.

Equity and Inclusion

Innovation Synopsis

Due to the increasing presence of patrons both in and out of the Redmond Library experiencing homelessness or less than stable housing, we instituted a monthly drop-in resource day to provide equal access to agencies in the community seeking to assist with and/or alleviate the circumstances causing these crisis situations.


Through community research and hearing from patrons in the library, staff uncovered a growing need for services to patrons experiencing less than stable housing or homelessness. Several community leader interviewees mentioned the growing number of patrons in the library and in other areas in the community who needed services. Library staff also reported a growing number of adults without day shelter spending their day at the library due to the safe and warm environment. In addition, the City of Redmond launched a Taskforce on Homelessness to seek community-wide solutions. All combined to position us to address the challenge.

Key Elements of Innovation

Community Discovery Day (CDD) occurred in the Redmond Library once per month for two hours during the weather-challenging months of fall and winter. At our first CDD, ten agencies participated. Over the course of the series, 25 different agencies participated. Each CDD featured agencies "tabling", coffee, portable food such as granola bars and fruit, subsidized bus passes and, when possible, emergency food from a local food bank. The library also "tabled" highlighting library resources and instruction. CDD offered us the opportunity to provide access and assistance consistent with our mission, the goals of our partners and the needs of our patrons.

Achieved Outcomes

Anticipated outcomes included: equal access to agencies, developing community partnerships, contributing to the goals of the City of Redmond and furthering the mission of KCLS to provide free, open, and equal access to ideas and information to all members of the community, without regard to race, citizenship, age, religion, economic status, or any other condition or qualification. A total of 421 patrons attended, with an average attendance of 60. Agency participation grew from 10 to 25. Eighty-seven percent of survey respondents "Agreed" or "Strongly Agreed" that "Participation in today’s program increased my access to services that will improve my quality of life.”