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Reference Quick Tips: Online Video Tutorials

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Reference Quick Tips: Online Video Tutorials

St. Louis County Library, MO

Innovation Synopsis

St. Louis County Library (SLCL) began producing online video tutorials in late 2013 to promote and provide instruction on library electronic resources to users. This service gives library customers and staff the ability to view the tutorials at their convenience and learn at their own pace.


St. Louis County Library saw an opportunity to utilize online video tutorials as a method of extending reference support and to promote the library’s electronic subscription-based services which can be used anytime including outside of the library’s hours of operation. In the wake of social media, more people are turning to streaming video and video sharing sites for their information needs. These online tutorials allow SLCL to promote library resources and provide instruction about how to use them to users who may not visit a physical library location or those who may not seek one-on-one assistance from library staff. In using the online tutorials, visitors can have the same level of instruction they would get if they visited one of our branches and asked for assistance. In addition, they can proceed through the video at their own pace.

Key Elements of Innovation

SLCL developed the idea to create video vignettes to promote the variety of electronic subscription resources offered by the library. We started our video vignettes with “Reference Quick Tips” which are video tutorials that show the viewer the basics of a reference database or a particular function within that database in less than five minutes. A list of current tutorials can be found here: The video tutorials follow a standardized format which walks the viewer through accessing the resource, starting at the library’s website. The video then takes the viewer through the steps to login and access a specific database followed by a demonstration of one or two popular or key features of the database. The video tutorial is concluded by instructing the viewer that they can direct questions regarding this database to the SLCL Reference Department. The video vignettes are produced in TechSmith® Camtasia Studio® which allows us to capture keyboard input, track and record cursor movements, and capture voice narration. Once a vignette is scripted and the relevant pieces are captured, the software allows for the vignette to be edited, spliced, and enhanced creating a polished final video. After the final video is approved it is hosted on the SLCL YouTube Channel. The “Reference Quick Tips” tutorials were initially featured on the Reference Department’s blog and then were later linked from a newly created Videos and Tutorials page on the SLCL website. The library uses social media and the library’s website to increase awareness of the tutorials. SLCL has found that these videos are also useful for library staff as easy refreshers of the library’s electronic resources.

Achieved Outcomes

The library has produced 10 “Reference Quick Tip” videos to date, which have an average of a 100 views per video. In addition to the views per video, the Reference Department has received favorable feedback from the library’s branch management about the videos and how they are useful for both library staff and customers. As the library continued to create additional online videos, we found that Camtasia Studio® has the capability to meet the department’s needs; however, the library may need to look into acquiring additional hardware such as microphones and sound equipment, as we have experienced issues with inconsistent audio levels. The Reference staff have decided to expand the video tutorials beyond databases to include the library’s eMedia offerings which will demonstrate how to download eBooks and other electronic formats onto a specific device type such as an iPad or Kindle. Currently the Reference staff have been the only department at SLCL to utilize Camtasia Studio®, however, there are plans in the future to train other departments on the software to create a broader offering of online video tutorials.