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Reflecting on Racism and Discrimination

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Reflecting on Racism and Discrimination

Vaughan Public Libraries

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

We initiated a lecture series — Reflecting on Racism and Discrimination — aligning with principles of diversity, equity and inclusion. We aim to increase awareness of racism in our community, focusing on issues facing persons of African descent. There were 667 people who attended virtual sessions, and recordings have been viewed 467 times on our YouTube channel.


The series sought to have public engagement on issues related to the following themes: recognition and reflection, community learning, education, justice and discrimination and moving forward together. What was unique about this initiative was the cadre of presenters reflected in the speakers’ list and the level of conversation and reflection coming out of the series. It was an opportunity to intentionally engage the community on social issues that are sometimes not addressed because of cultural reservations.

Key Elements of Innovation

Themes were selected for each session. Lectures were presented by experts and professional partners in anti-racism. All sessions were presented on Zoom for 90 minutes, with participants being given an opportunity to ask questions to the presenters and share experiences. Presenters and participants were drawn from community organizations (such as immigrant services), education and police services boards, academia, City of Vaughan, service organizations and regular library users. Priority was given to local presenters.

Achieved Outcomes

Reflecting on racism and discrimination tapped into a part of the community that has an interest in discourse focused on social issues. More than 1000 people have engaged with the sessions. The success of the lecture series inspired Passport to Vaughan, a periodic spotlight series featuring citizens highlighting the music, customs and rituals of their cultures. In 2022, VPL will present a lecture series on broader topics of social inclusion, including immigration, gender, disability, religion and aging.