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Reimagined Hybrid Staff In-Service

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Reimagined Hybrid Staff In-Service

Wichita Public Library

Library Operations & Management | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Keeping up employee morale was critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff faced many challenges while providing essential services to customers. The annual staff in-service day was reimagined to keep work groups socially distanced while still interacting with each other through Zoom and discussing relevant topics.


The City of Wichita's policy for maintaining social distancing and healthy interactions during the pandemic created a challenge for the in-service planning team. Normally, all 140 staff members from the department would come together for a day of learning, but this year, the planning team chose to keep branch staff at their respective locations. This gave the team an opportunity to leverage technology to connect each location into one Zoom platform.

Key Elements of Innovation

Each location received a camera, microphones and a monitor to view all locations at once through Zoom. Presenters logged in and presented virtually, and left time for discussion amongst work groups. Presentation topics were timely and relevant to the work staff went through this last year, including stress management, handling ambiguous situations, staying on top of messaging and working with children.

Achieved Outcomes

The goal was to create a safe hybrid in-service day that built up morale and gave relevant information to staff. Staff stated they enjoyed breakout sessions that allowed for “non-screen” activities in their workgroup. Comments regarding content were in agreement that it was well-timed, appropriate and that the presenters were knowledgeable. Staff commented that they would be putting what they learned into practice.