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Reimagining the Library

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Reimagining the Library

Sonoma County Library

Advocacy & Awareness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

The library just launched a strategic planning process when COVID-19 came along. We knew that the pandemic, plus four years of massive wildfires, floods, power outages and social unrest required more from us, so we pivoted to “Reimagining the Library.” What we learned inspires us to innovate and adjust to our changing community.


In addition to challenges brought on by economic uncertainty, climate change, the pandemic and a painful awareness of equity, diversity and inclusion issues, our patrons were literally locked out of the place they felt safe and supported, their library. Our challenge was to dig deep, listen well, and internalize what we heard. Our opportunity was to break old patterns that reinforced inequity, exclusion and apathy, resulting in a true pivot to a 21st-century library system.

Key Elements of Innovation

Reimagining the Library was inspired by the Harwood Institute method of turning outward, and humbly asking for input. We conducted group listening sessions, 95 one on one interviews with community partners, and used online surveys to glean input from county residents, who told us how their lives were changed, how they felt, and what they hope. A survey aimed at teens resulted in more than 400 responses, and insight to our future leaders’ needs. The entire process was bilingual, with materials available in Spanish and English.

Achieved Outcomes

We have a clear mandate to break out of a business-as-usual library services model, and we’re following through. The first year of reimagining is focused on analysis, planning, and positioning. Years two and three will demonstrate responsiveness, innovation and excellence in library services. A delightful outcome was to strengthen connections with community partners who represent underserved communities and who see our reimagining as their tool as well. We are also sharing our data with local governments and NGOs.