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Reinventing Readers Advisory

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Reinventing Readers Advisory

Wichita Public Library

Education - Children & Adults | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

ReadICT is a program for adults to read 12 books from 12 categories in 12 months. It has a proven track record of building a community of readers, signified by the thousands of members on the group’s Facebook page, and through the participation of library programs. Staff created new platforms to provide readers advisory services.


Staff needed to think of new ways to provide readers advisory services while library locations were closed or operating with limited services. Programming staff worked with the digital services team to create two new platforms: monthly recommendation videos and a new podcast. The videos feature a staff member discussing three to five books that fit into the respective category, and the podcast invites guests to discuss each #ReadICT category in more detail.

Key Elements of Innovation

Videos featuring book recommendations from staff for each #ReadICT category provided readers advisory services. These videos circulated on social media channels and YouTube. A new podcast called "Read. Return. Repeat." provided in-depth exploration of the 12 #ReadICT categories. Each episode focused on one category and featured a guest interviewee.

Achieved Outcomes

The podcast complements the reading challenge by exploring each category with a subject matter expert. The video series helped build a bond between library staff and the #ReadICT participants by sharing reading recommendations and igniting literary discussions through the Facebook group. Both components maintained the influence readers advisory services have on customers, and to further connect library services to the community.