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Reshaping Old Spaces to Meet New Needs

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Reshaping Old Spaces to Meet New Needs

Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach

Health & Wellness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

COVID-19 created a community need for more private study areas. Mandel Public Library shaped new study rooms, improved access to technology and added career programming by reimagining existing spaces. Since June 2021, over 580 study room bookings have been made, Digital Studio use has increased and new career services have been offered.


Remote school, remote work, cabin fever — reasons to get to the library and take advantage of a quiet place to get some work done. With only two existing study rooms available and a growing patron need for areas to social distance, have an online interview or take an exam, space was limited — as was the library budget. A look at space utilization inspired a concept for “innovation in an instant.” By letting go of space as it was, fresh purpose has been given to old areas — no construction needed.

Key Elements of Innovation

An innovative switch was involved to create study rooms, open workspace and better access to digital equipment and career materials.

  • Furniture and collections from Square One were moved to the open program space.
  • Digital Studio equipment was moved to old Square One.
  • Empty digital studio rooms were transformed into study rooms using existing furnishings and minimal funds.

After spaces were redefined, staff implemented the “Space” feature of LibCal to allow online bookings of study rooms and Digital Studio equipment.

Achieved Outcomes

Use of the study rooms is steady and staff can easily manage bookings. Several patrons report each day for class or work using the study spaces. The digital equipment is now visible to generate interest and allow staff supervision. CareerSource uses the refitted open space to provide services to jobseekers. Patrons also browse the career resources and take advantage of the open seating.

Stats from LibCal will record "Space" usage and staff record CareerSource attendance. Anticipated funding will provide a laptop kiosk.