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Ross-Cherry Creek Branch Library Saturday Morning

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Ross-Cherry Creek Branch Library Saturday Morning

Denver Public Library, Colo.

Innovation Synopsis

The Ross-Cherry Creek Branch of Denver Public Library is hosting a wildly popular Saturday morning monthly concert series. We recognized a need for free musical entertainment for all ages, in a safe and welcoming space and at a family-friendly time of day.


Going to see live music often means staying up late, paying a hefty cover and standing in a grungy bar. Denver’s music scene is flourishing, and it can be challenging to get out to see it, especially if you’ve got to work early or have children. There aren’t many chances to take the whole family to see live music, and little opportunity for all-ages shows.

Key Elements of Innovation

The Ross-Cherry Creek Branch Saturday concerts bring local artists directly to audiences in a comfortable and safe environment. All ages can get to see local talent in a familiar space, and musicians get an opportunity to play an unconventional venue at an unusual time slot.

Achieved Outcomes

The concerts are at maximum capacity, and staff are exploring other music programming at DPL branches and local venues. Relationships with local artists are forged, and these shows help to grow artists’ audiences. The Ross-Cherry Creek Branch was named “Best Punk-Loving Library” by the Westword.