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San Mateo County Libraries: Open for Exploration

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San Mateo County Libraries: Open for Exploration

San Mateo County Library, Calif.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis


Through a strategic planning process, we elicited input from over 7,500 community members. We discovered not-surprisingly that non-users weren’t aware of our innovative programs and services, but additionally that our current patrons we also unaware. San Mateo County Libraries had an opportunity to communicate about the breadth of our services and programs. Our new Strategic Plan included a goal to communicate an inspiring vision and the library’s story of impact. Our services, collections, and spaces have constantly evolved to meet the needs of our community; our brand also needed to be updated to communicate this positive vision for the future.

Key Elements of Innovation

Our new logo, the “Burst of Knowledge,” symbolizes the spread of information, our family of libraries, and the excitement that emanates from learning something new. Our tagline, Open for Exploration, extends this welcoming, innovative spirit. The contemporary visual elements and brand voice work together to further define the San Mateo County Libraries brand. With the new brand, we are excited to share our story with everyone who steps into our spaces or enjoys our services. Reflecting the brand in everything we do will strengthen our story of impact and our community’s understanding of what libraries can be and do.

Achieved Outcomes

The new brand is the beginning of our work to communicate the library’s story of impact. By redesigning our brand identity and voice we’ve created a dynamic way to express our vision, mission and values. We are part of a community and our new communications are warm, inviting and personal. Our new brand is helping us launch a more targeted and effective approach to marketing. Whether it’s the positive reception of our new website, the likes on our brand launch video, or the visibility of our staff wherever they are in the community, the new brand is making an impact.