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SAPL Organizational Health Unit

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SAPL Organizational Health Unit

San Antonio Public Library, Texas

Library Operations & Management

Innovation Synopsis

San Antonio Public Library focuses on organizational health through its dedicated Organizational Health Unit. The team creates a culture of accountability, provides staff with training and development opportunities, instills a mindset of proactive problem solving and provides avenues for communication to increase job satisfaction, performance and retention.


The Organizational Health Unit was established and tasked with creating a comprehensive training plan, communication strategies, and a staff recognition program. Dedicating human capital to the effort did two things: it communicated to staff that investing in them is important, and it made someone accountable for implementing the vision for the organization. The strategic plan Organizational Health Workgroup wrote a five-year work plan, and challenged the Organizational Health Unit to create a program that would have a lasting impact on the library system through improved job satisfaction, employee retention, and succession planning.

Key Elements of Innovation

The strategic plan Organizational Health work group used survey data, focus groups, and anecdotal information in the development of the Organizational Health recommendation. It was clearly identified that communication, comprehensive training, mentoring and succession planning, and developing a plan to appropriately value staff, were issues which needed to be addressed. The idea of a unit dedicated to the needs of staff was a direct result of this work. A comprehensive training program was developed that included: mandatory on-boarding for all new employees; required technology training; a Career Development series; and leadership development, including a mentorship program.

Achieved Outcomes

Organizational Health Unit’s focus is to address and support the needs of SAPL employees with effective and continual communication throughout the organization; promote creative thinking, innovation and cohesion; and to support both SAPL and employee personal career goals. Additionally, the Unit has developed professional development programs to increase employee satisfaction, improved job performance and retention by standardizing basic training requirements, and implementing the City of San Antonio’s own training opportunities. The unit has developed a Staff Recognition Program that reinforces the Library’s guiding principles as well as the City’s core values. Staff are encouraged to recognize peers, supervisors and co-workers.