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Save Future Florida! STEM Creativity Camps

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Save Future Florida! STEM Creativity Camps

Broward County Library, Fla.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

Save Future Florida! (SFF) after-school camps ask Broward youth to find creative solutions for rapid climate change and sea level rise in Florida, the state ranked number one for impact. Imagining themselves in 2100 Florida, youth role play and use 21st century learning skills to solve or adapt to climate change.


Youth need 21st century creative problem-solving skills to succeed. SFF challenges youth to develop skills in role-playing, scientific experimentation, and creative play. They are highly motivated to solve a realistic scenario that will have great impact on their futures. Youth thus see knowledge as useful and applicable to daily life. The project targets at-risk youth that need to increase academic skills and interest in post-secondary study. Solving a large-scale community problem requires the synthesis and convergence of disparate creative ideas, and encourages self-directed learning. SFF develops innovative learners, and motivates youth towards higher education and lucrative STEM careers.

Key Elements of Innovation

SFF camps emphasize STEM skills, problem-solving, and career exploration. Offered once-weekly for eight weeks, science teachers, librarians and mentors from the Broward Climate Change Taskforce encourage youth to plan inventions for environmental change around land submersion, extreme weather, fresh water loss, property loss, and social disruption. Students conduct experiments, write and present on preferred topics. A key innovation is this learning program engages librarians, community leaders and youth, and could be replicated in any community facing problems — antiquated sewer systems, water shortages, earthquakes, etc. Library programming will encourage disadvantaged youth to embrace innovative academic exploration around real community problems.

Achieved Outcomes

As real-word climate change issues increase curiosity, youth increase problem-solving and original thinking. Role playing builds flexible debate skills, and helps youth turn imagination into innovation. Mentoring around STEM topics encourages youth to see themselves as scientific thinkers, provoking interest in STEM careers. Youth create plausible solutions and adaptations as they build a final invention for presentation, and learn to make educated judgments around real-world scenarios. Journaling, creating a poster board display, and delivering final oral presentations increase literacy and project management skills. Students develop relationships with the library that motivate library resource exploration, life-long learning, and creative discovery.