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SD Access 4 All

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SD Access 4 All

San Diego Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

During the pandemic, the San Diego Public Library opened 10 outdoor computer labs at libraries in underserved communities, expanded wi-fi outdoors, provided free laptops for students and literacy learners and added hotspots and laptops for checkout. SDPL also started a digital navigation program in partnership with NDIA and SD Futures Foundation


Over 50,000 San Diegans have no access to basic internet service. During the pandemic, with libraries closed or offering only pick-up service, many people lost their only means of connectivity. Online learning and teleworking made internet service even more crucial and the digital divide ever greater. SDPL worked with the City and many partners such as AT&T, SD Futures Foundation, Computers 2 SD Kids and the SD Library Foundation to close the digital divide and ensure that there were connectivity options for everyone.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • Outdoor computer labs in 10 locations w/ free Wi-Fi and laptops for check-out
  • Wi-Fi expanded to reach outside the building and to be available from 7am-9pm
  • Laptops were added to the collection for checkout
  • SD Library Foundation funded the distribution of laptops to students participating in Library NExT classes and READ/SD literacy students so that they could continue their learning
  • Purchased hotspots and laptops to lend to patrons
  • A digital navigation program to provide training and resources for connectivity

Achieved Outcomes

  • 305 computers distributed to youth and 21 to literacy students
  • 88% of hotspots checked out
  • Reached target groups such as new immigrants, homeless families, older adults, persons with language barriers, students and refugees

Click here to learn more from Listeners’ Advisory is the San Diego Public Library podcast.