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See You on the Outside

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See You on the Outside

Queens Library, N.Y.

Equity and Inclusion

Innovation Synopsis


A 2014 NY State Department of Corrections report stated that 29 percent of female and 42 percent of male ex-offenders return to prison within three years. Failure to reintegrate is often due to lack of: job training; access to employment; high school diploma; and needed social and mental health services. “See You on the Outside” offers inmates who will be released within six months a personal and programmatic bridge into the community through the library using case management, literacy and other programs and services prior to and after release; the program is offered two days per week at QCF and Queens Library at Long Island City for additional programs and resources.

Key Elements of Innovation

Information Sessions: While still incarcerated, inmates receive information about library resources, workshops; readiness training; and case management services.

Job Readiness: Includes skills identification; job readiness toolkit (resume worksheet); skills identification packets; registration for library card; internet basics (including email); and certificate training workshops, such as those provided by OSHA, prior to and after release from facility.

Case Management: Individuals meet with the Case Manager to set up a plan of services and receive assistance on links to legal services, social service programs (including housing), and registration for ESOL and HSE classes.

Connections to other Library Services: Includes family literacy programs, health workshops, and computer training.

Achieved Outcomes

In Fiscal Year 2015, Queens Library served a total of 402 inmates. Twenty five individuals obtained employment, 75 individuals obtained Mental Health/Social Service Assistance, 75 individuals accessed other library resources (i.e., family literacy/parenting workshops, health programs, certification workshops) and 102 individuals completed resumes.