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Self Service: Pony Express @ Appaloosa Library

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Self Service: Pony Express @ Appaloosa Library

Scottsdale Public Library

Health & Wellness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

The Pony Express @ Appaloosa Library opened on March 15, 2021 as a self-serve model allowing specially registered patrons to enter the facility with their library cards to independently browse and check out items, access public computers, use free Wi-Fi, fax and printing services and utilize study rooms during specified hours without staff monitoring.


The Appaloosa Library building had been closed to the public since mid-March 2020 due to COVID-19 and subsequent economic environment. Its drive-thru service remained available throughout the pandemic but failed to provide additional services needed to serve this community. The closest open Scottsdale Public Library was approximately 10 miles away and offered limited in-building services. The drive-thru at both locations were overwhelmed. Access to resources was needed and additional staffing was not an option.

Key Elements of Innovation

SPL worked with IT, City Management and Municipal Security to utilize Open Plus technology to offer this service. Safety audits were conducted to set up areas to encourage social distancing. An audit of the building for redesign of signage and furniture took place. Education and agreement of expectations for patrons occurred, including an acknowledgement that cameras were in use and public health measures had to be followed. A dedicated phone line to the library’s help line and emergency phone were made available.

Achieved Outcomes

Since opening, over 2,300 patrons have signed up for the service. The gate count is over 9,300 and circulation totals over 28,000. It has been well received in the community with no issues of theft, damage or emergencies occurring since its inception. A three-month survey was conducted where 363 patrons rated the service 4.3 on a 5 star scale. As the library opens up with staffing in 2022, the goal is to extend the hours with this technology or utilize this concept at other locations in the city where the need exists.