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Seniors Bridging Languages: Enhancing Library Services

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Seniors Bridging Languages: Enhancing Library Services

Milton Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2024

Innovation Synopsis

MPL initiated the ‘Seniors Translating for Newcomers’ project to better serve its diverse community and establish a foundation for the future development of inclusive services and resources.

  • The primary goal of this program was to engage local seniors in the Town of Milton and surrounding rural areas, who are fluent in both English and one of the top five non-official languages spoken in the community, to advise on and translate library resources and materials. This initiative aimed to make MPL a more inclusive space by providing these translated resources to residents.
  • The project involved older adults and seniors as part of an advisory committee, thereby supporting their social participation and reducing social isolation. By leveraging their multilingual skills, seniors translated resources, interacted with other seniors and MPL staff, developed technological abilities, and contributed to the community's growth by providing valuable services to newcomers.


Milton's demographic landscape is evolving, with an increasing number of newcomers speaking languages such as Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, Polish, and Punjabi. This linguistic diversity presents both a challenge and an opportunity for MPL:

  • Challenge: Bridging the communication gap to ensure newcomers feel welcomed and included.
  • Opportunity: Utilizing the multilingual skills of seniors to provide translated resources, fostering community engagement, and enhancing library services for newcomers.

The project aimed to support newcomers by offering resources in their native languages, fostering inclusivity, and benefiting seniors through meaningful volunteer work and enhanced social engagement. By involving seniors fluent in both English and one of the top five non-official languages spoken in Milton, the initiative addressed linguistic barriers and enhanced the library's accessibility for all community members.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • Engaging seniors as translators and advisors ensured accurate and culturally relevant resources, making the library more accessible to newcomers.
  • Providing seniors with technology and training to assist in translation activities, enhancing their digital literacy and fostering intergenerational collaboration.
  • Utilizing the library's Integrated Library System (ILS) to capture language preferences and track the usage of translated materials, ensuring resources effectively meet community needs.
  • Creating welcome brochures, tech notes, and a new “Get Started” webpage in six languages on the MPL website, along with displaying greetings in these languages to make library spaces more welcoming and inclusive.
  • Reducing social isolation among seniors through community-focused activities enhances social interactions, cognitive stimulation, and a sense of purpose. The broader community benefits from improved access to library resources, fostering a welcoming environment for newcomers.

Achieved Outcomes

  • Engaged Seniors: Seniors experienced a renewed sense of purpose and connection to their community, reducing social isolation and promoting mental well-being. Seniors led the project through an advisory committee, guiding the selection of resources and overseeing translations. They received training in technology, enhancing their digital skills, and played a crucial role in project implementation, fostering community engagement and reducing social isolation.
  • Enhanced Library Services: The library became a more inclusive and welcoming space, reflecting Milton's linguistic diversity.
  • Empowered Newcomers: Newcomers gained better access to library resources, easing their integration into the community and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Sustainable Model for Future Growth: The project established a foundation for ongoing and future translation services, adapting to the community's evolving needs.