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SFPL Computer Corps

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SFPL Computer Corps

San Francisco Public Library, Calif.

Innovation Synopsis

San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) offers technical assistance, instruction, training, and support to help the public and staff use technology more effectively. Computer Corps and Teen Computer Corps are two groups of technology "power users" that leverage SFPL’s collective energies, skills, and technology-related knowledge to improve public service.


To address the growing need for assistance and support with new technologies, San Francisco Public Library offers basic instruction and support services related to technology through two technical support teams that complement the Information Technology department called the Computer Corps and Teen Computer Corps. The Computer Corps is a select group of tech savvy staff from each library that complements and supports the work of the Information Technology department to deliver technology assistance, instruction and training to both the public and staff. Teen Computer Corps connects tech-savvy teenagers with older adult library patrons hoping to improve their basic computer skills. The program seeks to address the technology gap faced by many library patrons over 50. The digital divide affects various economic groups disproportionately, as well as the targeted elderly age group. Teen Computer Corps acts as an open forum in addressing these issues and increases the technological capacity of senior library patrons. Teen Computer Corps volunteers work one-on-one helping seniors get acquainted with the latest technology. The program is offered at the Main Library, Chinatown, Excelsior and Richmond Branch Libraries. Seniors are invited to participant on a drop-in base.

Key Elements of Innovation

Recruitment and training of Computer Corps members include:

  • Recruiting tech savvy staff from each San Francisco Public Library and teen volunteers from the public to serve as members of the Computer Corps to support public service and respond to technology related issues
  • Providing essential training, skill development, learning tools, and support
  • Providing response triage guidelines, so that questions can be answered or routed to the appropriate staff Cross Divisional Support

The Information Technology (IT) department works closely with the Computer Corps to enhance technical support to the public and staff. The role of the designated IT liaison is to:

  • Correspond and communicate with members of the Computer Corps to address technology related issues that cannot be answered by Corps members
  • Assist in editing how-to guides, cheat sheets, tip and tricks, and other support documents
  • Attend monthly Technology Experience Forums to share questions and solutions; brainstorm ideas; and discuss, align, plan and prioritize technology related projects

Achieved Outcomes

Computer Corps’ on-site members respond to SFPL-related technology requests from both patrons and staff. Benefits include:

  • Improving users’ access to and experience with SFPL’s technology resources
  • Offering targeted on-site assistance, training, and instruction related to library resources
  • Designing a curriculum of core IT competencies among public and staff
  • Learning first-hand how patrons interact with SFPL’s electronic resources
  • Serving as a conduit between IT and front line staff for communication of questions, issues and training needs

The Computer Corps complements the resources of the Information Technology department by:

  • Developing, publishing, and distributing technology related Tips and Tricks, Cheat Sheets, User Guides, training tools and materials, and support documents
  • Providing mobile device support; including configuring and maintaining mobile devices such as tablets, e-readers, laptops, and IPads
  • Providing software support by assisting with installation, migration, troubleshooting of software solutions and updates
  • Providing hardware support by troubleshoot printers, multifunction print devices, computers, Wi-Fi connection, tablets, peripheral devices, etc.
  • Developing policy and procedures for handling public owned mobile devices

Approximately 40 Teen Computer Corps volunteers provided assistance and support to over 750 senior adults in the following technology areas:

  • Navigating web resource and social media
  • Software and app support
  • Mobile Device support

Basic technology instruction including downloading e-content Program evaluation results from patrons reflect:

  • 96% learned what they wanted to learn
  • 99% would come back again for more technology help
  • 99% would recommend the program to a friend