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Shaping Future Public Librarians: The PAA Program

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Shaping Future Public Librarians: The PAA Program

Montgomery County Public Libraries, Md.

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis

The Public Administrative Associate (PAA) Program at Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) provides students of Masters of Library Science (MLS) in Maryland with the opportunity to supplement didactic knowledge with practical experience. “Frontline” involvement reinforces an understanding for Scope of Service and develops skills to compete successfully in the workforce.


The PAA Program presents a dual benefit: students from Maryland universities undertaking a “real world” practicum through immersion in a public library setting, and MCPL receiving valuable workforce service. The challenge facing MCPL is a staffing shortage on Sundays; germane to the Program, students are required to work Sundays at Information Desks with experienced librarians. Their objectives are to learn, observe and ask questions about public library work. The Program offers students the opportunity to master customer service skills and to deliver accurate and appropriate information to customers; it also provides an innovative approach to dealing with scheduling issues.

Key Elements of Innovation

The PAA Program delivers a creative solution and partnership among MCPL, participating universities and their students. The Program provides a practicum structure, including clear objectives and well-designed processes for sourcing, recruiting and orienting interns through a rigorous, instructionally-designed training and field apprenticeship experience. This paid internship offers a unique customer service experience since Montgomery County is composed of a highly diverse population with equally diverse information needs. Since the position requires four of the nine weekly hours to be worked Sundays – when scheduling is challenging – the internship provides a highly valuable service to MCPL and its customers.

Achieved Outcomes

Since the PAA Program began in 2014, 18 students have participated. Seven interns located permanent professional positions in the field of Library Science. As a bridge to employment, MCPL permits interns to work part-time for up to 18 months – depending on the student’s graduation schedule – to continue gathering practical experience at the public service desk. The Program has achieved several benefits: some students have reevaluated their MLS focus of specialization based upon a positive internship experience, deciding to concentrate on Public Librarianship; and MCPL has addressed the issue of scheduling Information staff at branches open on Sundays.