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Show It to Vote Educational Campaign

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Show It to Vote Educational Campaign

Kansas City Public Library, Mo.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

When a new constitutional amendment in Missouri was added in 2018 that required a photo ID to vote, we partnered with the League of Women Voters in holding educational sessions and conducting voter registration to help local residents ensure their votes are valid.


Voter turnout in Kansas City typically is low, with turnout in all elections over the past year ranging from eight percent to 20 percent. Citizens complained that they felt disenfranchised, prompting us to try to engage and educate them on how to make sure their votes counts. The cost of a newly required photo ID also could pose a barrier, so we regularly highlight a state program offering free IDs to those who need them.

Key Elements of Innovation

We partnered with the League of Women Voters, the Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners and the Secretary of State’s office in providing programs and resources for local voters. The library hosted multiple educational sessions, livestreaming one via Facebook Live. People could register to vote at the sessions or anytime at any library location. At the library’s request, the Secretary of State’s office conducted informational sessions with staff members to prepare them to field questions.

Achieved Outcomes

Educational sessions were well attended, and participants were highly engaged. The Facebook Live video reached 2,700 people and attracted 650 views. More people now are aware that the library is a site at which they can register to vote.