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Small Business Support Through a Unique Partnership

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Small Business Support Through a Unique Partnership

Las Vegas-Clark County Library District

Workforce and Economic Development | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

LVCCLD partnered with Workforce Connections (WC) to help small business owners start, reboot or grow their companies. The Employ NV Business Hub is a state-of-the-art, employer-focused resource center located in our Sahara West Library. Workforce development pros guide and advise business owners and provide professional meeting space and more.


During these challenging economic times, WC Employ NV Business Hub arrived just in time to help with recruitment, hiring, talent development, labor market research, tax credits, licensing, business tools, training and funding through federal programs. The hub is staffed by experts who know how to navigate federal & state systems to unlock resources. It also provides modern, professional spaces for interviewing, conferences, industry mixers and meetings, featuring the high tech AV equipment needed for the digital age.

Key Elements of Innovation

WC facility renovations, including new paint, carpet, furnishings, lighting and AV, created a truly professional work space and delivering no-cost solutions to customers via the publicly-funded workforce development system. Pooling resources benefits both increasing library services without staffing and costs and saving WC on overhead to then invest in operations; provides both with gleaming conference rooms, computers, and Wi-Fi; and bolsters community hiring through business recovery & growth.

Achieved Outcomes

Since inception in October 2020:

  1. 129 businesses have received free assistance.
  2. 56 referrals came directly from the Library District.
  3. The hub hosted 18 workshops and webinars.
  4. Business assistance has included: job postings, staff training, funding/grants, business plans, licensing, market research and expansion.
  5. An additional Employ NV Business Hub opened at the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce.
  6. Success of the model led to planned openings of three new locations at other partner sites before January 2.