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Social Service Team (SST) Pilot

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Social Service Team (SST) Pilot

Toronto Public Library (TPL)

Health & Wellness | 2024

Innovation Synopsis

In July 2023, Toronto Public Library (TPL) launched the Social Service Team pilot at four downtown branches. TPL collaborated with the Gerstein Crisis Centre (GCC) to bring essential mental health and crisis supports directly to vulnerable library customers.

The service model has two main components:

  • Barrier-free access for TPL customers to GCC social services, including short-term counseling, mental health supports, referrals and connections for health and housing supports, and onsite assistance with wellness checks and other crisis interventions; as well as,
  • Specialized programming that addresses proactive mental health planning and coping strategies.

This model allows crisis workers to address immediate crisis intervention needs through comprehensive intake and assessment. It also connects customers with ongoing support services and programs that are outside the library's scope of service. It also builds TPL staff capacity to address customer needs.


The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated individual vulnerabilities as access to mental health resources became more limited. With the reduction of access to public spaces and services, TPL saw more people seeking refuge and support. TPL needed a solution that addressed three needs of customers in crisis:

  • Deliver direct social and mental health services/support;
  • Increase connections to community-based services; and,
  • Increase TPL’s capacity to meet the often-intersecting vulnerabilities of mental health challenges, addictions, low income, and homelessness or precarious housing.

By partnering with an expert community agency, instead of relying on security or only library staff-led approaches to address these needs, TPL supports the mental health and wellness of its customers, fills service gaps and provides the necessary resources and referrals.

Key Elements of Innovation

Gerstein Crisis Centre, the key service partner, helped TPL apply a trauma-informed, harm-reduction approach to crisis, complementing existing community networks and offering library customers access to mental health resources/programs. Programs include:

  • Finding Recovery through Exercise Skills and Hope: a peer-led program that gets people active, strengthens social connections, and develops new skills/knowledge.
  • Wellness Recovery Action Plan: an educational tool for mental health recovery that uses concepts like hope, education, empowerment, self-advocacy, and interpersonal support.
  • safeTALK: a workshop in suicide alertness skills.

TPL’s Social Service Team pilot builds sustainable community connections, contributes to TPL staff development, and enhances library space. It provides direct supports to customers, streamlines community agency referrals, and supports TPL staff: e.g., Gerstein connects library customers to the City’s 24/7 Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) mobile teams.

Achieved Outcomes

During the first year, we had 13,000+ engagements with the Social Service Team. These included nearly 5,000 individuals attending group programs; over 2,500 unique individuals receiving 1:1 crisis support; almost 2,800 wellness checks, crisis interventions and follow up services; and more than 3,600 customers receiving transportation and/or income supports.

Gerstein connected outside agencies and services with TPL customers, including the Sherbourne Health Bus, mobile nurse, food trucks, and others; so far, over 550 TPL customers have been linked with basic needs services.

This service has increased TPL’s capacity to meet customers’ needs, with Crisis Workers supporting branch staff in building relationships with vulnerable customers and in providing extending support outside TPL, when needed.

Customer feedback from focus groups and surveys shows the service provided timely, positive, and respectful support.