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Sphero Code Club

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Sphero Code Club

Virginia Beach Public Library, Va.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

In January 2017, Virginia Beach Public Library launched an after-school outreach to teens at Green Run High School. With iPads and Sphero robots, VBPL provided teens with a chance to program the robots and create their own challenges to solve. The club attracts an average of 11 participants weekly.


James_Giangregorio_Sphero-Club---Maze-Solving.jpgThe goal of Sphero Code Club is to demystify computer science and spark an interest in coding and robotics among teens, both for fun and in pursuing career paths. Another goal is to foster 21st century skills among teens, specifically to give them the opportunity to learn computational thinking and to practice project management in a collaborative setting.

Key Elements of Innovation

James_Giangregorio_Sphero-Club---happy-teens.jpgVBPL has offered coding programs in the past, but Sphero Code Club reinvents the idea by taking the devices to the teens after school, increasing access for the teens. The club allows for "drop-in" participation, so teens can participate when they are able. Finally, the club shows them the physical product of their code by having them program the behavior of the Sphero robots, controlling their movements, sounds and lights.

Achieved Outcomes

The observed impacts include teens thinking critically together to solve problems and accomplish projects, demonstrations of computational thinking, increased teen confidence in their abilities to code and high interest in the potential that coding gives them to create.