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STACS (Statistics Collection and Tracking System)

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STACS (Statistics Collection and Tracking System)

Cleveland Public Library, Ohio

Innovation Synopsis


The Library must balance the need for accurate information and monthly reporting with the fast pace of libraries and an eye toward eliminating duplication of effort. Monthly reports were being compiled, written and submitted to multiple people, often in different formats with different information. This scattered method of reporting made the process cumbersome, frustrating and reliant on several sets of eyes editing and rewriting reports as they worked their way around the Library.

Key Elements of Innovation

Planning & Research Department worked with Public Services to streamline the process of monthly reporting. Each took a fresh look at what was actually required to create an accurate picture of library use and comply with state and national reporting guidelines. Planning & Research developed an online reporting system called STACS (Statistics Collection and Tracking System) that allows for branch managers to compile reports and accurately track program attendance throughout the month. There are entries for information on school visits, inside programs, outside programs, outreach and branch meeting room use. Reports are available so interested parties can quickly call up information on a branch (e.g. program attendance or school visits).

Achieved Outcomes

STACS has standardized the data entry method and simplified the guidelines for what constitutes programming and outreach and allows Public Services to see a clearer picture of library service. The ease of reporting has increased the timeliness. Managers are able to delegate portions of the report that are handled by adult or youth services staff so another level of duplication is removed. All staff now take ownership for the library usage in their area and all levels of the organization have realized a savings in time.