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Staff Mentorship: Building Leadership and Equity

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Staff Mentorship: Building Leadership and Equity

Los Angeles Public Library

Library Operations & Management | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

Mentorship is an effective way for employees to get the knowledge, confidence, and experience they need to build their careers. Our staff mentorship program’s goals are to build staff capacity, competence and connection; empower personal and professional growth; and create an equitable, inclusive and diverse workplace culture.


With more than 1,000 people working in 73 libraries, it can be challenging to meet staff outside one’s work unit, to learn about the wide variety of job opportunities within the library system, to understand the work culture, and to receive individualized advice on one’s career. This can lead some, particularly new and/or BIPOC staff, to feel isolated and stressed. Luckily, a silver lining of the pandemic was to show that a mentorship program could use virtual meetings to bring together people from across the city.

Key Elements of Innovation

Our mentorship program rose out of LAPL’s staff-led Take the Lead initiative, which empowers staff at all levels to develop and practice leadership skills. A team developed a pilot in 2021 and launched a full program in 2022, with a third season now underway. Mentees and mentors are matched based not only on goals but also, if they wish, on ethnic and/or gender identities. Mentors and mentees receive training and support. This year, in addition to one-on-one mentoring, we are also offering peer mentorship circles.

Achieved Outcomes

67 staff members from 44 work units took part in the 2022 program, meeting for 528 hours over 6 months. In a survey issued at the end of the mentorship program, 89% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that the mentorship program positively influenced their personal and professional growth. “I met some great people and made new connections that will help me in the future” was one of many positive comments. In 2023, the number of participants has increased, and the program continues to be staff-run.