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Stage. Page. Engage.

New Haven Free Public Library, Conn.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

Together with the Long Wharf Theatre (LWT), the New Haven Free Public Library (NHFPL) embarked on a multi-year partnership to co-create effective and inclusive organizations by building theater and library audiences truly reflective of the New Haven community.


This initiative strengthens both organizations internally through regular interaction between library and theater leaders, while focusing externally on inclusion, social justice and community conversations. The LWT and NHFPL co-exist in the same city and promote the power of literature and storytelling, yet discover that there is much to learn from each other in terms of marketing, business models, public programming, audience-building and positioning the organizations in the community. The LWT primarily attracts a suburban audience with only 15% of the audience coming from New Haven, whereas the NHFPL has an extensive reach into New Haven neighborhoods through its constellation of branch libraries. Each organization helped to extend meaningful outreach for the other.

Key Elements of Innovation

The partnership comprises four main components:

  1. The NHFPL creates a micro-branch at the LWT and curates a bookshelf based on the themes of each play with materials ready for circulation.
  2. One or two plays are selected each season for programming at each of the NHFPL's five facilities, featuring a reading from the play and facilitated discussion on a provocative theme.
  3. Complementary LWT play passes are made available from each NHFPL library.
  4. A community ambassador program builds a cohort from each neighborhood that views all final dress rehearsals and then brings five neighbors to each play.

Achieved Outcomes

The NHFPL is able to reach new audiences through this program and its bookshelf in the LWT lobby, encouraging play-goers to register their library card with the NHFPL. The theater passes allow NHFPL to offer an opportunity to library users who do not otherwise go to the LWT. Through the community ambassadors and the public programs at the NHFPL before the play, conversations extend across the city, helping to build social cohesion.