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Star Gazing

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Star Gazing

St. Louis County Library, Mo.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

St. Louis County Library partnered with St. Louis Astronomical Society (SLAS) to provide quality telescopes and guides to the night sky to area patrons.


Experts agree that there is a national imperative to graduate students with a thorough understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). St Louis County Library is engaging children in STEM-related activities as early and as often as possible to engender an interest in continuing education in one of these fields. The St. Louis Astronomical Society is planning for what they are calling the “big bang” event in 2017, the total eclipse of the sun that will be visible in St. Louis. In an effort to provide increased participation in this event, the society reached out to the library to determine interest in providing telescopes to our patrons.

Key Elements of Innovation

St. Louis Astronomical Society donated a quality telescope for circulation and the library purchased another nine to begin offering telescopes to the public in November 2014. SLAS purchases and assembles the telescopes, and provides a guide to the night sky along with a pack full of tools useful in making the viewing experience optimal. The telescope chosen by SLAS is the Orion Starblast 4.5-inch telescope. The library kept three telescopes for use in programming. This gives us an added opportunity to engage and instruct that goes beyond lending the equipment. To date we have offered seven “Star Parties” to 147 enthused stargazers.

Achieved Outcomes

We consider this project to be a success. It provides the community with increased access to a tool many might not purchase for themselves or their families. The partnership with SLAS has been beneficial as well; they not only provide expertise in using the telescopes, but have also given us expert information on all things astronomical. Due to the popularity of the telescopes, the Library is acquiring another five telescopes for use by the public. St. Louis Astronomical Society has agreed to donate another two telescopes; the St. Louis County Library Foundation is donating three more. We expect to have these ready for use by late spring 2015. Currently there is a waiting list of 197 patrons anxious to check out a telescope for home use.