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STEM: Fun Exploration @ Your Own Pace

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STEM: Fun Exploration @ Your Own Pace

Montgomery County Public Libraries, Md.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

The Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) system developed and implemented STEM stations for children ages two to 12. Each station includes hands-on demonstrations to encourage exploration, discovery and learning. Children can interact with the stations to learn different STEM topics during libraries’ hours of operation.


Research shows that early STEM education narrows the scholastic achievement gap and supports success in the workforce. However, many children do not naturally “gravitate” towards the sciences, missing an opportunity for personal enrichment and learning. In Montgomery County, MD, there is an achievement gap among students. MCPL has implemented different STEM interactive programs – like the STEM stations - to attempt to close this gap. Using children’s natural curiosity, the stations merge discovery, fun and education. As children roam the library, they can interact with one of several stations to explore and learn something new, embracing their own learning styles.

Key Elements of Innovation

MCPL has a history of assisting parents in readying their children for school. MCPL’s literacy and education programs fall under the umbrella initiative “All Children Excel” (ACE); STEM stations are part of the ACE rubric. Recognizing that children have different learning styles, MCPL developed the STEM stations to be inclusive and accessible to all children’s needs. The mini “exploratoriums” encourage discovery through tactile investigation, tools and simulations, and colorful signage with easy-to-read instructions and information – all while having fun. Activities are gauged to invite a wide age-range of children to learn, addressing simple as well as complex themes.

Achieved Outcomes

The STEM stations are very popular; staff report that children are constantly engaged with the stations. Their system-wide implementation has increased communication between customers and staff, prompting children and adults to request pertinent thematic books – opening the door to further conversation. The stations demonstrate that children can engage in science at any age when provided the opportunity. Customers express appreciation for MCPL offering equipment for children to interact with and to learn from while visiting the library. MCPL plans to continue being the interactive space where the community learns and to contribute to the education of the County’s children.