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STEM on the Go

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STEM on the Go

St. Louis County Library, Mo.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

St. Louis County Library addresses the concerning lack of STEM-educated young people by offering local children, teachers and parents access to STEM-related resources for check-out and use at home and school. Called Sci-finder kits, they give teachers and caregivers opportunities to interact with children on STEM-based learning activities and experiments.


In 2009, the Department of Labor listed the ten fields most in demand. Eight of those were STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math). The Missouri Department of Economic Development projects that three of the four fastest growing occupations from 2008 to 2018 in Missouri will be STEM jobs. A growing number of education experts suggest that the best way to prepare for future academic learning is not with early academic learning. Instead, children need developmentally appropriate, play-based activities that let them explore, create and develop a love of learning that will create a foundation for academics to come.

Key Elements of Innovation

Young scientists eager to understand the world around them can satisfy their curiosity by checking out a Sci-finders kit from St. Louis County Library. Sci-finders kits contain everything parents and kids need to engage in hands-on science activities at home — including materials, books, DVDs, and instructions. Since January 2016, we have added 17 unique Sci-finder titles to our collection and we have six copies of each title for 102 total titles. Topics range from Astronomy to Simple Machines to Snap Circuits.

Achieved Outcomes

Each individual kit has had a minimum of four circulations since the program’s inception. Many kits have circulated up to 10 times. Currently there are multiple holds on all but three titles. The largest number of holds is for Lego Mindstorm with 51 holds at present. We have received numerous comments and emails from parents and teachers regarding the popularity of our kits. A Youth Services Specialist recently reported, “Many school librarians have commented on being able to use Sci-finder kits to enhance developing makerspaces within their library.”