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Studio NPL

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Studio NPL

Nashville Public Library, Tenn.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

In our Studio NPL MakerSpaces, students 12-18 access sophisticated technologies and mentor support, designing and inventing based on their own interests (everything from poetry and 3D printing to songwriting and robotics). Studio NPL is about building 21st-century digital skills as well as supporting collaboration, critical thinking, passion, talent and community engagement.


Learning takes place everywhere, all the time – not just during the traditional “8-to-3” school day. It is our Library’s opportunity and responsibility to capitalize on this community resource. Studio NPL spaces offer safe environments to hang out, geek out and grow. It is ideal for students who want to “multi-dimensionalize” their learning day and may not necessarily thrive in the conventional classroom structure – another learning place where students can build self-confidence and positive peer and adult-mentor relationships.

Key Elements of Innovation

When the Library received an IMLS/MacArthur Foundation grant to design its Learning Lab model, it went straight to Nashville’s teens to build the concept. Local architects and scholars partnered with teens, conceptualizing the space and implementing pilot programs. Teens also worked intensively with a graphic designer and sound engineer to create soundscapes and visual representations of poems, raps, and stories that inspired the Studio blueprint. Their work led to an illustrated printed anthology, videos online, and a live performance at the Library. Today, NPL have six Studio spaces and a mobile Studio, full and part-time staff, and continues to grow.

Achieved Outcomes

The Library is in the late development stages of the project, designing regular programming and hiring more staff. Our carefully designed logic model, based successful NPL teen programs, HOMAGO Learning Labs research, and Connected learning principles, will enable us to measure Studio’s success beyond program attendance. We want to understand how Studio-goers will increase their technical skills, build their confidence, gain exposure to new college and career paths, and increase their school performance.