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SummerMania: Creating Accessible Teen Conventions

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SummerMania: Creating Accessible Teen Conventions

Pima County Public Library, Ariz.

Innovation Synopsis

SummerMania is a young adult summer program that engages teens by creating accessible literacy events in the spirit of a comic-con. The program consists of two small events and one grand finale. Activities are centered on technological literacy, gaming, community connection, and opportunities to create with authors and artists.


This program addresses the challenge for libraries of creating programs that unite the interest of teens in technology and fan culture. This kind of program is typically very cost prohibitive for attendees. The popularity of comic-cons in San Diego and Phoenix demonstrate a clear youth interest and are excellent examples of how to spark engagement in reading and learning, but attending these events can cost hundreds of dollars. SummerMania works with local businesses and educational institutions to create an exciting event that is free to the public. By offering free, high-quality programs at the library that follow the structure of large comic-cons, we are harnessing teen interest, building twenty-first century literacy skills, and connecting communities of artists, authors, and teens from all over the county.

Key Elements of Innovation

The key elements of the SummerMania events are accessibility, community, and technological literacy. We provide attendees with opportunities to meet others with similar interests, make their own costumes, participate in workshops with authors and artists to hone their own skills, and take home some of the hundreds of free books we give away (purchased at a discount from a local book retailer). SummerMania also provides teens with the chance to try out new technologies like the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headset, learn digital editing at our teen learning lab, and play cooperative games - all for free.

Achieved Outcomes

Over the past 5 years, these programs have seen enormous growth. In 2010, we had 490 youth attend our very first SummerMania, and in 2014 there were 1,500 total attendees. Through a key partnership with Pima Community College, the finale event was moved into their campus, which provided a much larger space to accommodate the ever-increasing crowd and our growing vision. We’ve learned that as we grow and welcome more and more partners from the community, it is increasingly important to communicate effectively, plan early, and keep the events well-organized so that everyone knows their roles. With the growing popularity of these events, we consistently make the library’s mission for this program clear: SummerMania is always free and always open to all.