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Sustainable Kitchen

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Sustainable Kitchen

Edmonton Public Library

Advocacy & Awareness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Edmonton Public Library’s online Sustainable Kitchen classes have given people of all ages an opportunity to gather virtually and share stories while also learning new cooking and food management skills. Nourishment for the mind, body and soul!


When public health restrictions resulted in the cancellation of in-person classes, EPL looked for new ways for community members to connect. Enter the Sustainable Kitchen. In partnership with local chefs and other professionals, we created a series of virtual classes through which our customers have discovered new recipes, learned about safe food preparation and gathered tips on urban agriculture. The classes are providing Edmontonians with connection, education, life skills, engagement, growth and fun.

Key Elements of Innovation

It’s true that the best conversations always happen in the kitchen. Through the help of local experts, EPL’s Sustainable Kitchen series has ensured that the tradition continues.

The classes are offered virtually and moderated by library staff. Topics have included:

  • Baking, baking and more baking!
  • Cooking diverse cuisines
  • Meal planning
  • Food safety
  • Home composting
  • Introduction to urban chickens

To further support learning, library staff also create blog posts and lists of library resources on related themes.

Achieved Outcomes

The importance of social inclusion is a recurring theme in customer comments about EPL’s Sustainable Kitchen classes. One participant wrote, “It’s wonderful to bake in my own kitchen and yet have everyone there with me.” Another says, “Isolation can feel very lonely, but I am eternally grateful for EPL and their free online classes that have allowed my family to engage and connect with our community in an easy, safe and accessible way.” EPL has now offered over 30 classes to 750+ participants, with more to come.