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Takeout Tech and Tech Bar

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Takeout Tech and Tech Bar

Cambridge Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Through comprehensive expansion of our technology offerings, our library has enhanced access to computing devices, wireless internet and library resources during the COVID-19 health crisis. Access to technology patrons can use outside the library provides critical resources for career and education development, family assistance and recreation.


COVID-19 put a spotlight on technology inequities in our community. Individuals who previously relied on schools, work and libraries for computer and internet connection frequently lost those critical access points. As experts in managing and distributing resources, our librarians developed systems to roll out takeout technology services to bridge the digital divide. More recently, we’ve re-opened a renovated public computing area with a device checkout station and basic technology advice center.

Key Elements of Innovation

Innovations for this project include transforming our collection and service model to meet the critical dual needs of devices and reliable internet and partnering with city departments in new ways to serve under-resourced groups. To date we have 296 technology items which can be checked out for up to four weeks. Technology includes laptops, mobile hotspots, chargers, STEAM Kits, portable media players, GoPro cameras and more. Our pioneering program has been the model for other library systems in the state.

Achieved Outcomes

In the first few months of the pandemic, over 200 laptop devices were deployed to adult learners through partnership with the Dept. of Human Services. Students were able to continue studies in English language, technology literacy and professional certifications with library resources and virtual tech support. Technology items have been checked out over 15,000 times. In the next few months, additional devices will be circulated, including laptops equipped with often requested cost-prohibitive professional software.