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Teen Future Forum

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Teen Future Forum

Scottsdale Public Library, Ariz.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

Scottsdale Public Library coordinated with Human Services and their Vista del Camino Career Center to create and host biannual three-day events during spring and fall breaks that included an employment seminar, resume development and mock interviews facilitated by volunteer professionals and recruiting specialists.


School breaks offer a time for libraries to provide fun and educational events for school aged kids. These forums were created for teens 15-18 years old with preference given to teens who could attend all three days. Attendance was limited so students could receive individualized assistance on all aspects of training.

Key Elements of Innovation

The event took place at the main library in collaboration with the Vista del Camino Career Center. There were 15 workforce development specialist and community volunteers. Each three-day event was free and included continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, raffles and giveaways.

Achieved Outcomes

Both the spring and fall events had over 20 attendees for each day’s session. Day one for both was titled Jumpstart Your Job Search. Day two was Rev Up Your Resume and day three was Cruise Through Your Interview. Teens who attended learned essential skills which included how to complete online applications, interviewing, resume writing and dressing for success.