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Tell Your True Tale Writers' Workshops

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Tell Your True Tale Writers' Workshops

County of Los Angeles Public Library, Calif.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

Aspiring authors get published through “Tell Your True Tale Writers’ Workshops” hosted at the East Los Angeles Library and Sunkist Library in La Puente – all led by former Los Angeles Times journalist-author Sam Quinones and overseen by Daniel Hernandez, our Chicano Resource Center Librarian.


We count on libraries to provide Storytime sessions for kids, book clubs for adults, STEM sessions for teens and musical performances for everyone. But this programming rarely produces new, publishable content. Yet that is exactly what materializes via our “Tell Your True Tale Writers’ Workshops.” Content produced ultimately is made available for purchase – and for check-out, since the books automatically are included our Library catalogue. Most aspiring novelists only dream of being mentored by a seasoned, professional author and breaking into the book publishing business. But our “Tell Your True Tale Writers Workshops” help make their dreams come true.

Key Elements of Innovation

Since 2013, we have held seven workshops – six in East Los Angeles and one in La Puente. Up to ten participants met every Saturday for seven weeks. Quinones first explained the workshop’s approach and included a required reading list. Participants submitted first draft writings to Quinones, who made first edits. Quinones interviewed participants to get a better sense of their needs and motivations. Then participants submitted second drafts – and Quinones responded with second edits. Finally, Quinones led intense group discussions where participants critiqued all submitted pieces. If needed, participants submitted a third draft to Quinones for final review.

Achieved Outcomes

At the end of each workshop, participants self-published a compilation of their works. The process gave them direct experience with book publishing and promotion. We then hosted a book signing party where participants met the public as newly published authors, with books available for purchase on Through our workshops, participants experienced – start to finish – the process of creating, editing and self-publishing. By continuing to host these workshops, the County Public Library demonstrates how seriously we take our mission not just to provide, but actively nurture, creative spaces for the public.