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The AV Gear Closet

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The AV Gear Closet

Chattanooga Public Library, Tenn.

Innovation Synopsis


The Library AV Gear Closet allows nonprofits to access and use expensive professional-grade equipment that would be impractical to own, maintain or rent. Our AV lending program now serves 12 diverse nonprofits with a variety of audiences/missions including public meetings, continuing education, family and children services, and the international Pecha Kucha community events hosted in our city. These groups of varying size and service models are able to improve their presentation for fundraising, outreach and impact without eating into limited budgets. In addition to several borrower-specific outcomes, we help these new library users manage resources by cutting costs.

Key Elements of Innovation

Internally, the AV Gear Closet allows the library collections development and lending procedures to evolve in a way that adapts to community demand. The program has a target audience of local non profits who, through interaction and use, help us refine the service with flexible and customizable loan periods and item limits. Externally, we are able to strengthen our role as a 21st century community partner and provider with responsive collections that support our goals to help the community evolve in the digital knowledge and information economy. As a result the Library is transformed with nontraditional offerings and new users.

Achieved Outcomes

This summer, two separate film camps for at-risk teens were made possible due to this community resource. Camera kits/screening equipment were provided to Mark Making organization and the award-winning Muse Of Fire Project. Films written, directed, produced, and edited exclusively by Chattanooga teens dealt with their exposure to gang gun violence, homelessness and bullying, which occurred in their daily lives while their films were being made. Youth work-readiness skills include collaboration, creation and distribution of content, whichy developed a responsible, strong voice and sense of self. Providing access, inclusion, learning and creativity opportunities to agencies serving these populations, directly expands our reach.